Just the other day I was contemplating the pile of dirty clothes on my bedroom floor and wondered, How do organized people do it, keep all their mess neatly hidden away? I suspect such paragons of neatness visit
Max Company in
The Holiday Shops at Bryant Park where they stock up on these:

Containers that tell you what to put inside. Finally, an assertive hamper, so much better than those wussy hampers that just sit there and say nothing while you throw clothes yonder and nigh.

Max Co. can also help you dress up the cook with a variety of aprons, many wine-themed, which is the preferred theme for all the chefs I know. And the hats will remind you to give that cook a big kiss of gratitude or something. But maybe I'm the only one who finds those goofy chef hats kind of sexy.
laundry bags, $20
aprons, $24
chef hats, $24
Max Company, B6 on the venue guide
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